Published on 25 April 2024 at 03:03


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Papst Johannes Paul II, Diener des Teufels, V wie Victory als satanischer Fingerzeig auch von Politikern, Katholischer Priester in der Nacht als Diener der Finsternis, Aschermittwoch, Weihwasser, Menschenopfer für die Macht von Coca Cola, Horoskope als teuflische Fallen, den Heeren des Himmels zu dienen und die Sterne zu befragen, 2. Könige 23:5 Und er tötete die götzendienerischen Priester, die die Könige von Juda eingesetzt hatten, um auf den Höhen in den Städten Judas und in der Umgebung Jerusalems zu räuchern; auch diejenigen, die Baal, der Sonne, dem Mond, den Planeten und dem ganzen Heer des Himmels räucherten. (Kommentar: Mond: Islam: Baal-Anbetung), Teufel als Imitator von Jesus Christus, Jahreskalender des Widersachers Gottes, Heidnische Traditionen sind Feste für den Teufel, wie Halloween und Weihnachten mit Datumangaben, Horrorfilme, Spiele, Lotterien, Sonrics, Walt Disney, Procter and Gamble, Bubalo (Kaugummi), satanische Seifenopern im Fernsehen, produziert von satanischen Priestern, Pentagramm, Bedeutung von Kreuz nach unten tragen unter den Dienern der Finsternis, Fingerzeig 666 als Zeichen für Rebellion gegen Jesus, junger Christ singt Lobpreis, wendet sich dem Ruhm der Welt zu, stirbt bei einem Unfall, geht in die Hölle, wird aber durch Jesus auf Beten und Bitten und Fasten der Mutter zurück in das Leben gebracht. Jesus zeigt dem Jungen, berühmte mexikanische Sänger in der Hölle, die eigentlich Lobpreis hätten singen sollen und keine weltlichen Lieder, durch die sie falschen Göttern dienten und nicht Jesus; Bedeutung und Aufschlüsselung von 666 an Hand von Gesellschaftsspielen, weiße Armee bestehend aus Jesuitenpriestern: Die Weiße Armee besteht aus Jesuitenpriestern, die tagsüber Priester, nachts aber satanische Priester und okkulte Krieger sind, die in satanischen Sekten dienen. Sie schützen und fördern die Ambitionen ihrer politischen Gönner durch Rituale und Opfer ... zum Ende wird das Zeugnis dramatisch ... 



Dominosteine, das Folterrad, Schlangen und Leitern, das Würfelspiel, das Sammeln von Stöcken, das Spiel der Selbststrangulierung und vieles mehr, wie zum Beispiel Schach. Durch diese bereits von Sekten verankerten Spiele beschäftigen sich Menschen mit dem Okkultismus. Wir stellen fest, dass viele Symbole in der Lotterie (mexikanische Lotterie), wie die Krone, die Schlange, der Tod, die Sonne, der Mond, der Sensenmann, die Symbole des satanischen Kalenders sind. Und wir haben in der Lotterie (auch bekannt als mexikanisches Bingo) einige kleine Karten, die Ihnen gegeben werden. Es gibt zwölf, Sie können jedes Quadrat auf der Karte sammeln. Am Ende erhalten Sie 666, eine gerade Zahl. Sie erhalten weder mehr noch weniger, sondern genau 666, nachdem Sie die Quadrate aus der Lotterie (mexikanische Lotterie) gesammelt haben. In den Schlangen- und Leiternspielen ist die Schlange Satan, und bei diesen Schlangen und Leitern handelt es sich um okkulte Botschaften. Die Leute halten den Hexentisch [Ouija-Tisch] für ein harmloses Spiel, während die Heilige Schrift uns tatsächlich davor warnt, dem Satanismus Raum zu geben.



Wenn katholische Priester lateinische Gebete sprechen, weihen sie Menschen dem Satan. Die Asche, die den Gläubigen am Aschermittwoch auf die Stirn gelegt wird, ist eine Einführung in den Satanismus, Um Mitternacht bringen satanistische Priester Tiere zum Opfern in blutvergießenden Ritualen und sagen: „Lasst uns alle diese Menschen weihen, die zur Auferlegung der Asche gekommen sind.“ Und um Mitternacht werden alle Menschen, die zum Aschermittwochsgottesdienst gekommen sind, dem Satan geweiht. Mir wurde ein satanischer Kalender geschenkt. Vom 1. Januar bis 31. Dezember veranstalteten Satanisten das ganze Jahr über Feste. Der 1. Mai ist für Satanisten kein Tag der Arbeit, sondern ein Tag satanischer Versammlungen. Christen feiern die Karfreitagspassion zum Gedenken an den Tod Jesu, doch Satanisten feiern an diesem Tag die Niederlage Jesu Christi. Die satanischen Sekten entführen im Voraus eine Person mit einem Aussehen, das mehr oder weniger dem des 33-jährigen Jesus ähnelt, und diese Person wird während ihrer Rituale geopfert und gefoltert. Der satanische Kalender markiert die Daten ihrer Aktivitäten, wie Orgien, Menschenopfer, Tieropfer und Flüche durch Zauberer. In diesem Kalender waren die stärksten Daten der 31. Oktober, der 12. Dezember, der 24. Dezember und der 2. Februar, das Lichterfest. Die Satanisten beginnen den ganzen Monat September mit Fasten und Gebeten und führen am 4. Oktober ein weltweites Ritual durch, um den Leib Christi zu verfluchen (alle christlichen Kirchen). In der katholischen Kirche ist der 4. Oktober das Fest des Heiligen Franziskus von Assisi, aber für Satanisten ist ihr „Heiliger Franziskus von Assisi“ der Dämon des Streits und der Spaltung in den Kirchen. Am 15. und 20. Oktober beginnen sie, ein Fest für Samhain, den Gott der Toten, vorzubereiten. 




Denn es gab auch eine große Kontroverse über Coca Cola, in der es hieß: „Aber Bruder, wenn ich für meine Coca Cola bete, wird Gott sie segnen.“ Und einige Christen wagen sogar zu sagen: „Es ist das übliche christliche Getränk.“ Ich kann in der Bibel sehen; Ich kann sehen, dass Gott alles heiligen kann. Gott kann das Gift heiligen, aber Gott wird das menschliche Blut, das bei satanischen Opfern vergossen und befleckt wird, nicht heiligen.



Der Junge in der Hölle und Jesus zeigt ihm die Sänger und Schauspieler in der Hölle: Und der Herr sagte zu ihm: „Ich habe ihnen alle Gaben gegeben, damit sie mir singen und mich preisen.“ Und sie machten sich auf die Suche nach falschen Göttern, besangen falsche Götter, besangen Geschöpfe, anstatt Mich, den Schöpfer, zu preisen. Aber jetzt haben sie, was sie verdienen. "


Talente / Gaben / Gifts (Geschenke) des Herrn
soll man nicht an die Welt vergeuden

Matthäus 25

Das Gleichnis von den anvertrauten Talenten

14 Denn es ist wie bei einem Menschen, der außer Landes reisen wollte, seine Knechte rief und ihnen seine Güter übergab. 15 Dem einen gab er fünf Talente, dem anderen zwei, dem dritten eins, jedem nach seiner Kraft, und er reiste sogleich ab. 16 Da ging der hin, welcher die fünf Talente empfangen hatte, handelte mit ihnen und gewann fünf weitere Talente. 17 Und ebenso der, welcher die zwei Talente [empfangen hatte], auch er gewann zwei weitere. 18 Aber der, welcher das eine empfangen hatte, ging hin, grub die Erde auf und verbarg das Geld seines Herrn.

Matthew 25:15




Firma mit okkultem Hintergrund, aus dem Zeugnis:

Sonric's: Wem gehört diese Süßwarenmarke und was ist ihre Geschichte?
Was hat Sonric's mit anderen Marken wie Quaker, Doritos und Gamesa zu tun?

Wir erzählen Ihnen einen Teil seiner Geschichte. Sonric's ist eine der bekanntesten Süßwarenmarken des Landes, da die meisten heutigen Generationen diese Süßigkeiten gegessen und geliebt haben. Deshalb erzählen wir Ihnen seine Geschichte. Zunächst müssen wir feststellen, dass das Unternehmen aus Sabritas hervorgegangen ist, einem Unternehmen, das zur Pepsico-Gruppe gehört – die auch andere Marken wie Quaker Oats, Doritos und Gamesa führt.


Sabritas, Wikipedia: Sabritas wurde 1943 von Pedro Antonio Marcos Noriega als Golosinas y Productos Selectos in Mexiko-Stadt gegründet. Das Unternehmen produzierte und verkaufte Kartoffelchips, Maischips und Snacks und stützte sich auf ein kleines Vertriebsnetz, das größtenteils auf Fahrrädern basierte. Der Name ist ein Kunstwort von Sabrosas y Fritas, was auf Spanisch „lecker und frittiert“ bedeutet. 1966, ein Jahr nach der Fusion von Frito-Lay und Pepsi-Cola Company zu Pepsico, wurde Sabritas aufgekauft. Es begann mit der Modernisierung seiner Prozesse und der Erweiterung seines Einzelhandelskanals.

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Testimony of the former Mexican actor Pedro Romero, known in Mexico as "Pistachon ZigZag." Pedro became involved in the entertainment industry, which led to occultism and demonic priesthood. Like the American John Todd, Pedro also disappeared without a trace. He is believed to have been assassinated by the same satanic sect to which he had belonged in the past. Also, like John Todd, critics tried to discredit him, calling him a liar and a psychopath; but liars and psychopaths do not have well-documented inside information, confirmed, and verified by other Satanists who are now Christians. What Pedro reveals in this multi-part testimony is the absolute truth about the Mexican entertainment industry and the Catholic Church, where they are all about occultism and Satanism. It is no different in America and other parts of the world. This series is transcribed and translated from the videos made by Pedro Romero. I am very grateful to God: He saved me from the darkness in His wonderful light and as the Word of God says in Colossians 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. I spent many years in the entertainment industry and at that time I was introduced by an artiste (a star) to a satanic cult, of which I was a part for ten years of my life. I reached the level where I was to become a satanic priest, but now I am a priest of Him that is King of kings, and Lord of lords. As it is written in Daniel 4:2, to whom will you declare the signs and wonders that the Most High has wrought toward me? This is so that our Lord Jesus Christ may be exalted and glorified. Two thousand years ago, when Jesus was walking through Jerusalem, we see that He came to destroy the works of the devil. We can see from the Bible that He said He did not come to condemn, but to seek and save that which was lost. He came to destroy the works of the devil, to free the prisoners, and to cure every disease of the devil. That Jesus of two thousand years ago is the same Jesus of these times. So now, this morning, I will show you the signs and wonders that the Lord has done in my life. I didn't come to tell you a horror novel, no horror story. I came here to tell you about the signs and wonders the Lord has done in my life. Many believe that an artiste's life consists of playing or singing; many imagine that an artiste enjoys happiness. But let me tell you what an old proverb says: what is under the blue waters? The Bible shows us that man is spirit, mind, and body. But man is spiritually dead if he does not have Christ as his Savior. And these kinds of people are turning to alcoholism, drug addiction and prostitution. And many of them end up being members of satanic sects, as was the case with me. Do we see the truth? God sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to redeem and save us at the cost of His precious and blessed blood. In the past I had the opportunity to be part of the entertainment industry with the help of a friend who was an actress and singer, named Rebecca Vivar, the sister of brother Edgar Vivar, who for many years was part of the distribution of the television series Chesperito. Later I joined the National Actors Association and there I met businessmen and started traveling to many places. I signed up to study at CART (Center for Artistic Radio, Theater and Television). I took lessons on personality, acting, dancing and many other things necessary in my profession. Then I started touring and since then the offers for theater have started, together with actors like Ignado Lopez Tarso, Rafael Inclan and Enrique Guzman. And I remember that on one occasion, a caravan of actors went to Guajaca, and among us were Carmen Salinas, Ana Gabriel, Johnny Laboriel, and Ricardo Cheralto, who later became a Christian along with other actors in a tent for comedians. When we got to that place in Guajaca we stayed at a hotel, and a few days later we went on a city tour to see what was traditional in that place and what kind of city it was. Then some people approached us with the Bible in hand, with the Word of God, and began to tell us that God loves us. I looked at them in astonishment and told them that I did not know them, nor did I know who they were. But they told us that there was nothing wrong with that and that we were invited to a meeting to hear what was being said, a message from God to us and our lives. Some agreed to go, others did not. Carmen Salinas and I were among those who agreed to go. When we got to the church there, we sat right in the back. And there I made jokes, I made funny actions and from time to time I paid attention to the one in front, preaching. His message said, “You are tormented, do you have problems? Jesus is the solution.” At the end of the sermon, we were invited to go forward to receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. And I kept telling Carmen Salinas, "Let's go ahead so that they can leave us alone and we can leave this place." But at that time I said it with mere words. We went forward and made a decision only with our lips, not from the heart, but the seed that is the Word of God had already been planted in our hearts. Then I went back to the Federal District, and after that, I started interviewing in famous magazines, radio interviews with Juan Calderon, TV appearances with shows like "Night with the Stars," late night music shows, and I started telling stories in photos. I began to enter the world of the entertainment industry. I became an arrogant, proud, self-centered man to the point where I felt greater than my mother, as well as my brothers, by always criticizing and judging them because I felt I was already in a different social atmosphere at another level. But now I know that this is a corrupt society, full of bitterness, pain, and betrayal. I had peace only as long as I met other famous people and other stars: and I remember that then I started to imitate in clubs famous people like Leonardo Roso, Capulina, Paquita La Del Barrio, Amanda Miguel, Rocio Dulcan, and many other personalities. And I saw how people enjoyed my shows and imitations but I was saying to myself, "Why can they be happy, but I can't?" The entertainment industry offered me many things I had never had before, but it did not give me the peace I was looking for in my life and soul. At that time, friends started telling me, "Take this, inject that, smoke this, and every time you do it you won't feel bad when you play in the show." Then I got into the realm of drug and alcohol addiction. When I returned home drugged and intoxicated, my mother warned me not to destroy myself. I would tell my mother, "You live your life and let me live mine in peace." And I spent months away from home, and there were days when I went here and there and everywhere. I remember that whenever I wasn't called by Televisa to do a radio or television program - the occult had always attracted me, everything to do with the occult and horror, everything to do with witchcraft - I used to go to video centers and rent a lot of horror movies like "Awakening the Devil", "Chucky", "Nightmare on Elm Street." The time came when I no longer felt any fear about those movies, and they didn't cause me to panic anymore. So I started saying to myself, "I need someone to bring me something stronger because I'm a person with strong emotions." During the night I could not sleep, I began to hear voices, to see shadows. And I was thinking, “Probably someone cast spells on me. I will go ahead and consult a spiritualist medium to help me with this issue.” But instead of helping me, my problems and fears grew. And it really cleaned me up, that is, the money in my pocket. So the problem continued to be even greater because I now know, through God's blessed Word, that the devil came to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus came to give His life and give it in abundance. Because that is why Jesus, the Son of God came to destroy each of the devil's works. After that I started reading books on metaphysics, dianetics [(from Greek dia, meaning "through", and nous, meaning "mind") is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard.], hypnosis, magic, and many other philosophies, trying to fill the void I felt in my heart. One day I arrived at a mall where I saw an ad about the ouija board. Then I said to myself, "I'm going to go ahead and try it. I will consult her to see if it is true that she has powers and if she can communicate with beings from beyond." The Bible says in Ephesians 4:27 not to make room for the devil, and I made room for him reading that kind of literature, playing with the ouija table, watching that kind of movie. I began to fear during the night; I could feel something jumping on me. I said to myself, "It must be the spirit of the dead person who is here now." I went to the traditional church to confess, to tell the priest what was happening to me at night, and he sent me to say a number of prayers, "Our Father" and "Hail Mary," after which he said, "Come back and I will give you the solution. ” When I returned, he told me what I had to do, I was given holy water and I sprinkled it all over the room, after which I called into existence the eleven thousand virgins and many thousands of saints as well, but no one came to help me. And the thing that jumped on me went into me. I began to show personality changes. I felt a supernatural force; I felt that my spirit wanted to leave my body and I was scared. But I began to practice astral projection to the point where I was able to make my spirit float around the room and see my body lying there. Once, I left the room and when I returned to enter the body, it took me more than an hour to do so. Because when I returned to occupy my body, it was already occupied with unclean spirits. I struggled to get into the body, I finally succeeded and I woke up sweaty and exhausted. Then I told my closest friends what was happening to me during the night. They were telling me, "You have gifts, you have qualities, get ready. Look, we're giving you this person's address. Go and see her." I went to look for that person who was a fortune teller, a person who read tarot cards. And when that woman read my fortune, she said to me, “I see that you have a spirit in you that is very strong and ready. You can start learning the science of the occult.” I said to myself, "If it doesn't help anyone, it won't hurt." After that I did some research to find the best teachers. In my opinion, I found them in Catemaco, Veracruz, and went all the way there to prepare. When I got to that place, they gave me to read: the hand of the spiritist, about a certain spiritist, the book of hell, the book of darkness, the bible of the year 2000, which is a bible for all wizards. And I started absorbing all those readings. From there I went to Tijuana, and there in Tijuana, they would teach me during a nine-day vigil. In that vigil, they taught me how to make people deaf, blind, dumb, paralyzed, and even how to take their lives if necessary. The person who taught me in that vigil said to me, “I see that you have the necessary attributes to learn the occult, continue to prepare, to study as an apprentice. I will give you a letter of recommendation for you to see a friend of mine from Rio De Janeiro, go and be prepared.” I went to that person's address and saw a group of people. I asked them about that guy, and they said, "You have to get your serial number and wait in queue." Then I waited in line. When I reached a certain distance and saw that person, named Jose Arigo, a recognized spiritualist in Brazil, he began to signal in my direction. I looked around to see who he was calling, and he kept motioning for me to go to him, and when I went to where he was, he said, “Sit here next to me, because in a moment you will see what you wanted to see.” When I was about to take out the letter of recommendation, he said, "Don't even bother taking out your letter, because I know who you are and why you're here." That's when I started asking him questions. "Listen, how do you know what diseases these people have?" And he said to me, "I work with a group of doctors. While they are there and examining the people, I am here and doing the operations." I looked around and saw nothing but people. Now I know, by the Word of God, that those who help witches, healers, and sorcerers are demons! They are unclean spirits, known as "protectors." Meanwhile, the man was about to have surgery on a young lady for a tumor on her head. His tools for the operation were a kitchen knife, a saw, a piece of gauze, tweezers, and a small piece of cotton. I said, "Listen, are you going to have surgery with these things?" And he said, "Yes, they're my instruments." So he took that little piece of cotton and with some strange invocations and prayers, passed the piece of cotton through the woman's head, took the kitchen knife, cut her scalp, went into her brain, used tweezers, put the piece of cotton, and the woman's head healed. The only thing left was a line left on the woman's head. And he told me, "Very soon you will learn how to do this kind of operation because I will give you two abilities." At midnight we went to a deserted place, in a kind of forest, a jungle in the area. And at midnight I received the two capacities, in which two Indians from the Inca tribe were involved. One of them was Telepujau, and the other was Wolf Skin. I felt energy enter my body. After this ritual, I went back to the Federal District and actually, when I needed to do that kind of thing, I invoked the two "abilities," I felt the energy and I got rid of tumors from people, removing them without even seeing the person. And the time came when some nightclub stars asked me, "Listen, can you do something to make this work?" While the artiste was in front doing his number, I was behind the scenes doing a ritual. And things went well for him with the aid of the spirit guides and demons. The moment came when I started fortune-telling for my friends, and they came back to me and said, "Everything you told me turned out to be true." In those days I used to say, "God loves me so much that He gives me the gift of divination." But now I know, by the Word of God, that these are occult practices, and that God does not give the gift of divination because it is not a gift at all. Therefore, from that moment on, I began to delve deeper into the witchcraft books every day, more and more. When I was passing through Televisa Studios, I met an actress named Consuela Castro, with the stage name Irma Serrano († March 1, 2023). She said to me, "I was sent to you. I need you to do me a favor.” She could have done it herself, but she didn't, because she used it as bait to lure me into a satanic sect. I did the service for her. She came back a week later saying, “You know what, I'm very happy with the service you did for me. I want to invite you to where I'm going. I am a member of a satanic sect in the northern part of the satellite city. I am a satanic high priestess and I want to invite you to come with me.” I accepted the invitation, and she said, "It's a surprise. I will blindfold you. ” So she put a blindfold on me. I got in her car and I had no idea which way I was taken. When I first entered that satanic church, what I saw at the entrance was the enormous face of the angel of death, Mendes' goat. There were pentagrams there, they had the faces of a lot of demons. Dragon heads were on the floor.

I left this part out. It can be found here

I have been ten years in what I now know by the Word of God to be a sect and I have come to know that the devil is an imitator of what Jesus Christ does. In a sect, there are fasts, prayers, vigils, songs, dances, and Bible reading. But not of the Holy Bible, but of the satanic bible. Baptisms are performed, but not with water, but with blood. Then the young woman began to renounce the God of any religion, and then they gave her to swallow the head of a serpent and the heart of a newborn child, spreading blood all over her body. – part left out - "Now you have truly become Satan's bride." The man put on his tunic again, headed for Irma Serano, towards me. They greeted each other in tongues I didn't understand. He touched me on the shoulder and said, "And what are you waiting for to be ready?" And I said, "Why me?" And that man said to me, "Because you were chosen in advance because of your birthday." I was born on October 31, and in occultism, in satanism, October 31 is the day of satanism all over the earth, the birthday of satan. Then he said to me, "I will give you this book. Think about it, meditate on it, and prepare, for I see that you have the potential to learn the occult." After that, I left that place with that artiste. I continued to work in nightclubs, impersonate stars, and act in plays. And the time came when I couldn't sleep at all, and I felt something urging me and say, "Get up and take that book." I got up and picked up the book. I opened it and it was called the Satanic Bible. I began to read it, and it painted everything in a very pleasant way and in a wonderful way, making me understand that the one who will reign in heaven should be Satan, not Jesus Christ. I became immersed day by day in what was written in that book, and hatred began to enter my life so that I could not bear to have people staring at me in the street. I started arguing with people. I didn't like anything. If I saw that someone was taking drugs, drinking, engaging in prostitution, fighting, when someone was shot, I would say, “It's good! I hope they all end up in hell. ” I went to Irma Serrano again and said, "I want to be initiated!" And the ritual they did for that young woman they did for me. To be initiated, I was baptized with the blood of newborns and animal blood. I then began to pay homage, worship, and service in those Satanic Temple facilities, and then I began to be apprenticed to Antonio Vasquez De Alba, who is a promoter of stars and politicians. Antonio Vasquez De Alba († May 18,2023) is a gentleman, who constantly appeared in the show called "And what is your opinion?" with Nino Canun. He is a tall gentleman with an enormous beard, who always spoke of the prophecies of Nostradamus. From that moment on, I started reading that textbook a lot. Day after day, the devil began to gain power over me. I continued to be an apprentice with Walter Mecado in the satanic glossolalia or language, in symbology, in graphology, and in the satanic praises and I began to specialize in all those occult matters. The more steps I advanced in that place, the more orders they gave me. They then gave me the commandments of the Satanic Bible, which said: “If you see that a person is suffering, make him suffer more! Don't feel compassion for that person. " Just as churches have the Word on their walls, so they have in their sects. And a phrase that has stuck in my mind for many years is, "Blessed are the strong, for they will inherit the earth, and the weak and the cowardly will not enter here." From that moment I saw how they selected the cutest girls, the most beautiful boys, sent them to mingle among the people at the parties, in the parks, to conquer the other girls and boys, and to invite them to the supposed parties. And those young people, when attracted to sects, ended up being kidnapped. Women ended up being tortured, ended up being raped, and if they got pregnant, they kept them alive because the baby would end up in a satanic ritual. They sent young people to hospitals to ask expectant mothers, "Ma'am, do you want me to read the astral map for your son or daughter so you know what the stars are preparing for their future?" When people gave their information, the young people would convey that information to the high priests. If they wanted that child to be born, they said, "Designate a guardian for that child." But if they did not want that child to be born, then they would say, "The child is deformed." And from that moment on, I began to realize that many businesses, such as Sonrics, Coca Cola, Walt Disney, Procter and Gamble, Bubalo, and many other businesses had satanic owners. Coca-Cola, years ago, had a pact with Satan, in which he said, “I will make you the number 1 business, the strongest on earth, but every two months, you have to give me 3 souls as a sacrifice,” and those 3 souls end up being sacrificed and bottled. And this was made public by Jacobo Zabludovsky many years ago, who claimed to have found fingers, traces of flesh, traces of clothing, in refreshments, and it continues to happen today. Sonrics - see explanations below the text - is a business in which every October 31, large sums of money are paid to put razors, poison, marijuana, glass in candy. When those candies reached a lot of states in the republic or worldwide, so many children die from an overdose, others suffer cuts in their throats but the people wouldn't find out why. As I progressed there, I learned about a lot of things that were happening there. Long ago, Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado came to this sect, called the Order of the Black Sheep, to ask for help to win the presidency of the Mexican republic. [Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado was a Mexican politician affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party who served as the 52nd President of Mexico from 1982 to 1988. Wikipedia.] Stars such as Celia Cruz, Veronica Castro, Tatiana, Gloria Trevi, Lucia Mendez, Rocio Sanchez, and many other states were members of satanic sects. I learned that Irma Serano and Ernesto Alonzo had a verbal outburst and said, "We have all the means of communication under our control." Many years ago, they introduced satanic soap operas such as "The Curse," "Black and White," "The Return of Diana Salazar," soap operas produced by a satanic high priest. So they were happy because they had control over all the media. I also began to realize that many scenes in the movies were actually rituals that took place. A satanic devotee said, "I can enter your house without even asking your permission." Through a toy, through a cartoon, through a soap opera, through a song, that's how they enter people's homes subtly. And people don't understand a lot of things that happen in their homes like children's rebellion and stagnation, quarrels and divorces, sicknesses, and death among other things. I also realize that in the Catholic Church, many who serve as Catholic priests during the day are satanic priests at night. Pope John Paul II, a 33rd-degree mason, belonged to the Black Brotherhood and the Satanic Church of Anton LaVey. If we see degrees 33 and add 3 + 3, it gives us 6, which is the number of the beast. And we see that this gentleman, many years ago came to Mexico. He got off the plane and the first thing he did was kiss the earth - in consecration to Satan. But before he left, he said, “Mexico, always faithful.” But as he said those words, he flashed the two fingers sign (the forefinger and last finger). This is not a sign of love and peace, but a sign of victory, V for victory, and we see how the image of a demon's face is formed here. We see that it is the representation of the goat of Mendes, and many artistes, many politicians make this kind of greetings. Well, these are the greetings of members of satanic sects to each other. ["The goat of Mendes was a temple goat utilized in an ancient cult in the city of Mendes, Egypt. Supposedly, the goat copulated with priestesses in certain religious ceremonies. "The cult was known for its bestiality (and may have even been practiced) at the inception of Christianity during the reign of the Roman Empire. The practices of the Mendes cult inspired the Christian association of goats with Satan and paganism in general. This idea was especially strong during the Middle Ages but persists in modern times. "The pentagram, a symbol utilized by pagans and Satanists alike, is also sometimes referred to as the goat of Mendes or goat head of Mendes as a result of this association." Wikipedia.] Catholics refer the upside-down cross as St.Peter’s cross because he was crucified upside down. But Satanists use the upside-down cross to mean the defeat and rebellion against our Lord Jesus Christ. When a person does so, he recognizes the beast and makes the sign of the satanic trinity (connecting the thumb and index into a circle, and holding the other fingers straight as a 666 sign) as a sign of rebellion against Jesus Christ. When Catholic priests intone prayers in Latin, they consecrate people to Satan. The ashes imposed on the foreheads of the faithful on Ash Wednesday is an initiation into Satanism. At midnight, Satanist priests bring animals for sacrifice in bloodshed rituals and say, “Let us consecrate all these people who have come for the imposition of the ashes.” And at midnight all those people who came for Ash Wednesday services are consecrated to Satan. I was given a satanic calendar. From January 1 to December 31, Satanists had festivities throughout the year. May 1st to Satanists is not Labor Day but a day of satanic gatherings. Christians celebrate the Good Friday Passion in remembrance of the death of Jesus but Satanists celebrate the defeat of Jesus Christ on this day. The Satanic sects kidnap in advance a person with a physiognomy more or less like that of Jesus, 33 years old, and that person is sacrificed and tortured during their rituals. The satanic calendar mark the dates of their activities, like orgies, human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, curses by wizards. In that calendar the strongest dates were October 31, December 12, December 24 and February 2, the Feast of Lights. The Satanists enters the whole month of September in fasting and prayer and when October 4 comes, they perform a worldwide ritual to curse the body of Christ (all Christian churches). In the Catholic Church, October 4 is the Feast of St Francis of Assisi but to Satanists, their “St Francis of Assisi” is the demon of strife and division in churches. When October 15 and 20 come, they begin to prepare a feast for Samhain, the god of the dead. Some time ago I heard the testimony of a young Christian man. Some people approached him and said to him, “You sing very beautifully. Why don't you go out into the world? Why don't you try lust? Why don't you try fame?” The young man paid attention to those people, returned to the world, and gained fame in a musical group. They started making records and appearing on television shows. While the record was being broadcast on the radio, the group ended up in an accident and the young man died. His mother was praying and fasting for him, and they called his mother and said, “Your son has just died. What do we do, send his body to you, or bury him here? ” She said, "Send me the body." She began to pray and plead with Jesus to have mercy on her son. As the son was taken to Hell, the Lord Jesus began to show him that there were people there who would say, “If only I had been given the chance to know Christianity, I wouldn't be here. If I only knew Jesus, I wouldn't be here." So they regretted it. In Hell, he was asked, "Look, do you see the woman who's there?" And the young man was stunned and said, "Yes, it's Lola Bertran." And suddenly he was asked, "Do you see the person who is there?" "Yes," he said, "it's Jose Alfredo Jimenez." And he was shown Javier Solis and many other artistes. And the Lord said to him, “I have given them all gifts, so that they may sing to Me and praise Me. And they went in search of false gods, singing to false gods, singing to creatures, instead of praising Me the Creator. But now they have what they deserve. " Due to the mother’s prayers, the son came back to life. That is why the Bible says that we, as Christians, must no longer have fellowship with darkness. There are Christians who put themselves on the path of temptation by going to psychics and fortune-tellers and thinking to challenge them, saying, “If he is a great wizard, will he guess that I am a Christian?” And here the Bible says, in the book of Deuteronomy 18:9-11 When you are come into the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. 10 There shall not be found among you any one that makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. Be perfect before the Lord your God. But we see that consulting mediums and horoscopes are acceptable among Christians. I was around some Christians who asked me, “Hey, brother, what's your horoscope?” “I am from the Holy Spirit.” But here in Christianity, many still believe in the horoscope. And here in the Bible, 2 Kings 23:5 And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense to Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven. In this verse, we are told not to consult the queen of heaven, nor the sun, nor the stars, nor the signs of the zodiac. So we can see that these are occult practices. We see that it is a trap, a deception of Satan. People who read the horoscope are people who always live in insecurity. People who watch horror movies always live in fear. Those people who watch horror movies from time to time have nightmares and feel that Chucky is after them. And that's why the Bible says to be concerned with teaching, as the apostle Paul used to say, with reading, so we need to research. A lot of people don't know who Jesus Christ is. Many people do not receive a miracle because they do not know who Jesus Christ is. That is why the Bible tells us right here - John 5:39: “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” Many games of chance are also established by satanic sects. Dominoes, the wheel of torture, snakes and ladders, the game of dice, gathering sticks, the game of self-strangulation and much more, such as chess. Through these games already enshrined by sects, people get involved in the occult. We find that many symbols in the lottery (Mexican lottery), such as the crown, the serpent, death, the sun, the moon, the Grim Reaper, are the symbols of the satanic calendar. And we have in the lottery (also known as Mexican bingo) some small cards that are given to you. There are twelve, you can collect each square on the card. In the end, it will give you 666, an even number. It will not give you more, nor less, it will give you exactly 666 after collecting the squares from the lottery (Mexican lottery). In the serpents and ladders games, the serpent is Satan, and those serpents and ladders there are occult messages. People think the witch's table [ouija table] is a harmless game while the Scriptures actually warn us not to give room to Satanism. Ephesians 4:27 says, "Do not give the devil a chance," and many Christians on many occasions enter Satanism through these games. Because there was also a great controversy over Coca Cola, saying, "But brother, if I pray over my Coca Cola, God will bless it." And some Christians even dare say, “It is the usual Christian drink.” I can see in the Bible; I can see that God can sanctify anything. God can sanctify the poison, but God will not sanctify the human blood spilled and defiled in satanic sacrifices. Let me reveal something. People ignore the meaning of the word "ouija". The meaning of "ouija" means the following: "O" means the spiritual power used by various tools used in a sect, which are different daggers, different tools they have; "U" means praise and curses within the sect, "I" means strength and weakness, "J" means wealth and poverty, "A" means cunning, the demon who takes the form of a unicorn and controls a hundred demons in his service. Now, we can see that in all the games we just mentioned, we can see that the dice has 6 faces, many games have 6 faces, like the domino that has 6 faces, and we can see how in the Bible, Revelation 13:18 says: "Here is wisdom. Who has the skill to count the number of the beast. For it is a number of men. And its number is six hundred and sixty-six. " Chess also has 6 pieces – the king, the queen, the bishop, the knight, the rook, and the pawn. Chess is like a game of war. Satanists view this war as Satan (the black pieces) versus Christians (the white pieces). In the light of this war, each of these little pieces has a meaning within the sects. "Pawn" is a small piece that represents the members of satanic sects, who are sent to the Christian congregations to conduct a covert warfare to bring down the “king” which is the pastor and church leadership. The "rook" or castle means the Catholic Church, which protects the satanic sects. I always asked myself and I always tell people, “Have you ever wondered why a priest would dress completely in black, with a black tunic, with a purple tunic, with a white tunic, with a red tunic, which are also the same symbols used inside the sects?” Those people use a different meaning. In chess, we have the "bishop" who is the Pope's representative. People, when this Pope came to Mexico, people don't even notice his clothes, because people don't like to be careful, because he is the Holy Father! So people will not pay any attention. But in the clothes that the Pope wore, you can see a lot of Masonic symbols. The Pope wears a tall miter or hat, in which he has, on this side and on that side he has two dragons. And the Bible shows us that the dragon is Satan. So these are the things they hide there. The "queen" means the satanic sects. The "king" means Satan, and "horse" means that they will raise two demons, two horsemen who will fight against Jesus Christ. But we can see that Satan has been wounded, the dragon has been wounded in the head and he has little time left, and he is in the last great struggle, and he wants, from one moment to the next, to destroy men and this earth. Many politicians have made press statements in the newspapers that they are members of satanic sects. These members give a lot to the satanic sects and in return these politicians also received much from these satanic sects. Many of these politicians have a long history of being supported by these satanic sects. A Coca Cola manager who later ventured into politics was approached by Irma Serrano, a Mexican actress and satanic high priestess who told him, “You have our support.” And this person is also protected by an army called the “White Army.” The White Army is the Jesuit priests, who by day are priests, but by night are satanic priests and occultic warriors serving in the satanic sects. They protect and propel their political patrons’ ambitions by rituals and sacrifices. Many people in the entertainment industry are also involved in satanic sects. I did a tour in the state of Veracruz for two years and when I came back from the tour, I found out, to my surprise, that this friend of mine named Enrique, who used to take drugs with me, whom I used to look for to drug me, to make me drunk… Someone told him about Christ, and he then converted to Christianity. And he came and said to me, “Do you know that Christ loves you? Do you know that God died for you? ” PART V I said to myself, "I think this guy is going crazy, he's already talking nonsense." Every time he came to tell me about God, I always rejected him, saying, “Look, about reading the Bible and entering a church - this is for people who want to waste their time, this is for the elderly, for people who have nothing better to do. I have a career; I have a future ahead of me.” Every time he came to talk to me about God, I rejected him. By then, I was already dependent on the 35 demons in my person, who were 13 protective guards, the two faculties in Brazil, 3 unclean spirits, and many others, who make a total of 35 demons in my person. By then I was already able to move objects that could only be moved physically, from one side to the other, and I was able to travel outside the body and go from one city to another and from there, elsewhere, to give instructions to other people. I was able to make astral journeys because of the powerful covenants I had with Satan, and I had already begun to practice vampirism, not because my fangs or wings would grow, but because I had begun to drink the blood of animals and people. And I was sending people to get involved in the churches so that they could destroy them, because I couldn't stand Christianity. At the Christian open air events and crusades, I would go and do charms and so on, so that the events would go wrong. The Bible says in Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of Me, said the LORD. I was to learn that God protects His servants in a most telling way. Because of my covenant with Satan, he came and told me, "I want you to go and destroy Enrique." I started bringing all my books on black magic and things like that. I said to myself, “I will do bad luck, charms, curses and everything that I know how to do to destroy Enrique.” But none of those things could harm Enrique because God was protecting His servant, His son. I thought maybe I was losing my strength. So I switched to other methods, including Santeria, where I met Vera Cruz (Santeria priestess). Then I started specializing in voodoo, where I met Veronica Castro (voodoo priestess). Then I said, "Now I'll be able to destroy him with needles, little dolls, and all that." Then I make a second attempt to do things to him, and there was nothing I could do. The time came when I said, "If I can't do anything by magic, I'm going to have to destroy him myself." I had the ability to control people and animals with my mind. I said to myself, "I'm going there now to check on him." When I went to that young man's house, I said to myself, "I will wait for the right moment, then I will destroy him." I waited for the right moment when he invited me to enter his house, and there I talked a little, and I said to myself, "Now is the time" (when he let his guard down). When I wanted to get closer to him I felt a force that stopped me, which did not allow me to get close to him. And as I tried to get closer, I started having a headache. I said to that young man, "I do not know where you have been, but I see beside you a spiritual being who does not allow me to approach you, and your magic is superior to my magic." I had to leave defeated. And I started asking myself a thousand questions, "Why can't I do anything?" And I kept looking for answers in the satanic Bible; and the satanic Bible states, "No matter how experienced you are in Satanism, never use magic against a Protestant, against a Christian." And now I know why: because God protects His children. I began to hear voices at night telling me, “Take your life. You're not really happy. You don't really have what you always wanted.” When I began to hear those voices as if giving me orders, I began to mix syrups and pills, trying to commit suicide. But I didn't go beyond intoxication. So the time came when I said to myself, "You're right. I have a lot of problems, nobody cares, suicide is the best solution. " I left home in May 1988. I decided to commit suicide. I said to myself, "Now I'm going to jump off a moving bus or sit on the railroad tracks, but I have to end my life, my problems." But in His great mercy and compassion for me, the Lord Jesus took me straight to this friend's house. When I got there I told him how I was. I was desperate. I told him about my plans and that I didn't know what to do, and he started talking to me about the love of Jesus Christ. He told me, "Nowhere will you find the solution, nowhere will you find salvation, but only in Jesus Christ." He asked me, "Do you want to receive Christ as your Savior?" I said yes! Then he said to me, "But you must break the chains, the covenants you have made with Satan." When I said yes at that moment, he started praying for me. At that moment, I began to challenge God. I began to shout many things, many curses, and I said to Him, “God, if You exist as this man says, come down and show Yourself to me! Because I have power and I know a lot but this man tells me that You are God and that You are great, and if You exist, then show me!” Well, I shouldn't have done that because the Holy Spirit of God came down and manifested to me. I felt a force on my head that pushed me to the floor, and I was upset, saying, "Well, why does this guy want to force me to my knees if I don't want to?" And that force pushed me back to the floor, and at that moment I began to speak from the Holy Spirit of God, and then I heard a voice say, “Call on Me, and I will answer you. I'll show you three big and hidden things you don't know." When I heard the word "hidden," I thought, "Maybe there are some hidden things that my teachers didn't teach me." And what was hidden from me was the salvation that God had for my life, for my soul. At that moment I said, “Jesus Christ, help me, I can't! I want to die. I missed my life. Forgive me, Lord, because I have offended You. I'm tired of everything on earth. " At that moment I felt a peace, a love, a peace that I had never felt before, despite my success, despite the fact that I was surrounded by many people. At that moment I felt peace, I felt the love of God. From that moment I began to serve in a Christian church. This helped me gain victory. And I can say now that I have gained victory in Christ Jesus. And for four years and eight months, I was in this process, until the Lord Jesus delivered me from the 35 demons. At that time I had contracts with the company I worked for, I couldn't give up working for them. They sent me to work in Guadalajara. I had a girlfriend at the time. I talked to her about marriage. And those people, using deception, called this young woman, "Joe Doe had an accident, you have to hurry to the hospital because otherwise, he might not live long enough to see you." The young woman went to the hospital, they were waiting for her there. They brought me there with the same lies. As soon as I entered the place where the sect meets, I said, "My God, Jesus, help me!" I saw that all members of the satanic sect were gathered there. The high priests, the priests, the sorcerers, the witches, were all gathered there. I heard the voice of a person who was a high priest saying, “The person I was waiting for is now here. We can start the ritual.” At that moment I began to move forward, and I saw a person who was completely covered with a hood. A red hood up to the neck signifies initiation, but a black hood signifies sacrifice. So at that moment, I realized it was going to be a sacrifice. When I got to the front I was surprised when they removed the hood from that person - she was my girlfriend. At that moment I started hitting them all, but in the end, I was the one beaten. I was made to kneel right there, and a high priest began to say, “Blessed are the mighty, for they shall inherit the earth. The weak and the cowardly do not enter here. " And they started raping her, torturing her, hurting that young woman. At one point the high priest said, "We don't play games here. And that happens to everyone. Next time, think about the consequences first.” He took a dagger and stabbed her mercilessly in the heart. They opened her up and took out her heart, put it in a tray, and put its blood in a cup, then began to blaspheme the Word of God. They began to say … – I left this out - … and to mock and blaspheme the Word of God concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. They gave me a good beating, which resulted in eight months in the hospital, hanging between life and death, on the verge of madness, on the verge of dementia. Every moment my pastors fasted, interceded, and prayed for the salvation of my life until the Lord gave me complete deliverance for my life and soul. Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." I met Jesus and Jesus set me free. So far I have gone to many places, preaching the Word of God. I received and endured trials and tribulations. And now, the people of these sects, now that we are exposing them and bringing a lot of things to light, well, they are getting so angry! END


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
edited for printing purposes